New York Yankees

The most famous franchise in baseball!

The Yankees represent the American and world baseball. This team, created in the early 1900's is one of the most mythical in the world. So many great names have played there: Derek Jeter, Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio... a list as long as a baseball bat.
But in addition to representing a club, one of the most successful in its sport, the interlocking N and Y are known worldwide as the symbol of the megacity of New York, and, by extension, the U.S.A.
It is an understatement to say that grocers had to offer a wide selection of New York Yankeesor Yanks for those who know them well, with the ny cap in mind!
Just as every tourist passing through the city that never sleeps leaves with a cap, every grocer has at least one of the New York caps in his wardrobe.
A must-have!

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