James Harden - Funko Pop!

James Harden NBA Vinyl Pop!

Another MVP (2017/18 season) basketball player figurine at the grocery store.
And not just any player, but Jean-Charles Grocer's favorite player, James "The Beard" Harden.
The double step-back specialist, the point guard who carries the Houston Rockets to the Playoffs.
The one who is able to score more than 30 points per game on 31 games in a row, and even go up to 61 points during a game against the Knicks of New York.

Figurine 100% authentic, about 9cm high, delivered in its box.

Best Before correspond à la date limite d'utilisation optimale (DLUO) en France. Une fois la date passée, la denrée ne présente pas de danger.
Le dépassement de la DLUO ne rend pas l’aliment dangereux: l’aliment peut donc encore être commercialisé et consommé.

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15,99 €

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