Trading Cards: History of the Hobby (Series 2) by Greg Jousset

It's much more than a piece of cardboard!

Have you ever heard of Greg Jousset?
Well, we have! We are lucky enough to know him.
I remember that our first contact was on Instagram, when the first edition of the book we offer you here was released.
I had just missed his crowdfunding campaign, but I was desperate to pick up a copy, which he kindly sent me.
His book is his biography of card collecting. How did he start? Why did he start? What phases of collecting did he go through?
There are interviews with people involved in the Hobby, anecdotes, the history of the Hobby...
Every page is full of passion for Trading Cards.
This book is a Must-Have for anyone interested in the Hobby.

If you want to go further, don't hesitate to listen to the excellent Podcast he hosts with Adrien: Potes Cartes.

Attention: French Book

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