Miniature Basket - Chicago Bulls

Mini basket of the Chicago Bulls

Aaaah the Bulls, for people born in the 70's and 80's (like the grocer Jean-Charles) and who had the chance to follow the epic '90's and the triple crown of the team of Jordan, Pippen and Rodman, this franchise will be forever in their hearts.
This miniature basket will allow you to relive and/or reinterpret those moments when Michael "Air" Jordan was suspended in the air.
100% official NBA product, featuring the GSW, manufactured by Spalding.
Comes with a mini ball.
Double sided tape on the back of the basket to easily attach it to the wall.
You can also fix it by the 2 holes located at the top of the basket.
Size: 29 x 24cm

Best Before correspond à la date limite d'utilisation optimale (DLUO) en France. Une fois la date passée, la denrée ne présente pas de danger.
Le dépassement de la DLUO ne rend pas l’aliment dangereux: l’aliment peut donc encore être commercialisé et consommé.

This product is no longer available.

24,99 €

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