Bouncing ball - NBA

Mini basketball "Spaldeen"!

Mini basketball / bouncing ball with the official NBA logo, made by Spalding.
Size 0 (about 5cm diameter), a.k.a. "High Bounce-Ball", which bounces as well as the basketballs with which the biggest stars play on the parquets.
Ideal for kids, and for the grocer Jean-Charles who bounces it frantically on his office wall.
Color: orange with the National Basketball Association logo in black.

Best Before correspond à la date limite d'utilisation optimale (DLUO) en France. Une fois la date passée, la denrée ne présente pas de danger.
Le dépassement de la DLUO ne rend pas l’aliment dangereux: l’aliment peut donc encore être commercialisé et consommé.

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5,99 €

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