MLB Trading Cards Pack - Donruss Optic 2021 (Hobby Box) - Panini

MLB Baseball 2021 season 4 card set , "Optic " edition manufactured by Panini.

The Donruss edition features a variety of exclusive inserts!
You may be lucky enough to stumble upon sets of exclusive inserts including "Signatures", Rookies Autograph and 17 other types of parallels.

  • Find Rookies Autographs on "Rated Rookies signatures" and "Rated Rookies signatures Pink Velocity."
  • Also find ultra rare "Neon", "Mythical" and "Holo Series Signatures" cards.

Panini America. printed in the USA.
The package is brand new and sealed.

Best Before correspond à la date limite d'utilisation optimale (DLUO) en France. Une fois la date passée, la denrée ne présente pas de danger.
Le dépassement de la DLUO ne rend pas l’aliment dangereux: l’aliment peut donc encore être commercialisé et consommé.

This product is no longer available.

10,19 €

16,99 €


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